Killer App für Social Gaming?
In einem interessanten Interview mit erzählt Gareth Davis, ein Plattform-Manager von facebook ein wenig über Game-Adaptionen, Multigaming und dass es "bald eine Killer-App" geben wird…
"What's in store for the future of social gaming in general?(Quelle: Interview auf von Oliver J. Chiang)
What we're about to see is the next level of social game play. The language of social gaming is being invented and we have a few of the building blocks, but many more are about to be discovered. There will be a killer app for social games in the same way that 'Mario' was for Nintendo, 'Sonic' was for Sega ( SEGNF.PK - news - people ) and 'Halo' was for Xbox. We're going to have our Halo, our Mario, soon.
That's not "FarmVille"?
I think FarmVille is a great game, but it is a light simulation that has mass appeal. I think that we will see a new kind of game that people have not really seen before. It may have a traditional IP on it, it doesn't have to be completely out of left field, but we're expecting those great experiences to show up."
nyck - 2. Mär, 16:50